Dr. Augusto Espinoza Garrido (Jubilado)
Unidad Académica de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Luz y la Materia (LUMAT).
- Doctorado: Ph. D. en Ciencias Físico-Matemáticas, Universidad Patricio Lumumba, Moscú, Rusia, 23/01/1985.
- Maestría: Maestría en Ciencias Físicas, Universidad Patricio Lumumba, Moscú, Rusia, 21/06/1980.
- Licenciatura: Licenciatura en Física, Universidad Patricio Lumumba, Moscú, Rusia, 21/06/1980.
- Nombramiento: Profesor-investigador de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas. Profesor de tiempo completo +10 hsm, titular C.
Producción científica
1. Special features of the analysis of the spectral density of radio pulses, A. Chubykalo, A. Espinoza, V. Kuligin, CIENCIA ergo sum, (accepted), 2020.
2. Post-Newtonian limit: second-order Jefimenko equations, David Pérez Carlos, Augusto Espinoza, and Andrew Chubykalo, The European Physics Journal C, 80:650, July 2020.
3. Dark matter, dark energy and relates topics in theoretical physics, Sergey Artekha, Andrew Chubykalo, Augusto Espinoza, and Victor Kuligin, Hadronic Journal, Vol. 43, N° 1, 61-77, 2020.
4. Stellar energy loss rates beyond the standard model, A. Llamas-Bugarín, A. Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, A. González-Sánchez, M. A. Hernández-Ruíz, A. Espinoza-Garrido, A. Chubykalo, Eur. Phys. J. Plus, Vol 135, Issue 6, 135, 481, June 2020.
5. Traducción del inglés al ruso del libro Causality, electromagnetic induction, and gravitation: a different approach to the theory of electromagnetic and gravitational fields, Oleg D. Jefimenko: Причинность, электромагнитная индукция и гравитация: Другой подход к теории электромагнитных и гравитационных полей, Editorial URSS, Traductores: A. Chubykalo, A. Espinoza, ISBN 978-5-9710-5407-8, 2019.
6. Ether and equivalence of inertial frames of reference, A. Chubykalo, A. Espinoza, V. Kuligin, M. Korneva, International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Research 6, 156-166, 2019.
7. Once again about the problem “4/3”, A. Chubykalo, A. Espinoza, V. Kuligin, M. Korneva, Engineering Technologies and Management Research 6(6), 178-196, 2019.
8. On another form of the energy density for electromagnetic fields and its relation to the electrokinetic field, A. Espinoza, A. Chubykalo, To Physics Journal, 4, 69-75, 2019.
9. Maxwell’s Error and its Consequences for Physics, Andrew Chubykalo, Augusto Espinoza, Victor Kuligin and Maria Korneva, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol. 10, Issue, 02(G), pp. 31139-31146, February 2019.
10. Why Does the Struggle Around SRT Continue to this Day? A. Chubykalo, A. Espinoza, V. Kuligin, M. Korneva, International Journal of Research – Granthaalayah, 7(1), 205-237, January 2019.
11. The Postulate of the Equivalence of masses or the Law of Their Proportionality? Andrew Chubykalo, Augusto Espinoza, Victor Kuligin, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 8(2), February 2019.
12. Magnetic Flow Scattering in Ferrite Rings, Andrew Chubykalo, Augusto Espinoza, Viktor Kuligin, International Journal of Science and Engineering Invention, Volume 05, Issue 01, January 2019.
13. Spherical and Ring-Like Configurations for the Gravitodynamical Field, David Perez-Carlos, Augusto Espinoza, Andrew Chubykalo, Open Access Journal of Physics, 2(1): 1-12, 2018.
14. Spatial curvature as a distorted mapping of Euclidean space, Andrew Chubykalo, Augusto Espinoza, and Victor Kuligin, Boson Journal of Modern Physics (BJMP) Volume 4, Issue 2, pp 435-442, 2018.
15. About a correct interpretation of the connection between classical electrodynamics and the special relativity, Andrew Chubykalo, Augusto Espinoza, Sergey Artekha, International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 5(10), 53-63, 2018.
16. Classical Electrodynamics: The Problems in the Theoretical Description of the Intra-Dipole Radiation, Andrew Chubykalo, Augusto Espinoza, Phys Astron Int J, 1(3): 00014, 2017.
17. On the violation of the invariance of the light speed in theoretical investigations, A. Chubykalo, A. Espinoza, A. Gonzalez-Sanchez and A. Gutierrez Rodriguez, Modern Physics Letters A, Vol. 32, No. 36 1730033, 2017.
18. On the Existence of Gauge Functions for Space-Like Separations, Andrew Chubykalo, Augusto Espinoza, Rolando Alvarado-Flores, International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science (IJARPS), Volume 4, Issue 6, pp 23-35, 2017.
19. On the Question of the Invariance of the Light speed, Sergey N. Artekha, Andrew Chubykalo, Augusto Espinoza, Journal of Modern Physics, 8, 1213-1233, 2017.
20. The origin of the energy–momentum conservation law, Andrew E. Chubykalo, Augusto Espinoza, and B. P. Kosyakov, Annals of Physics 384, 85-104, 2017.
21. On the Jefimenko’s Non-Einsteinian Clocks and Synchronicity of Moving Clocks, Andrew Chubykalo, Augusto Espinoza, Journal of Modern Physics, 2017, 8, 439-447, March 2017.
22. Some of the Complexities in the Special Theory of Relativity: New Paradoxes, Sergey Artekha, Andrew Chubykalo and Augusto Espinoza, Physical Science International Journal, 11(1): 1-15, 2016.
23. Gauge Invariance of Gravitodynamical Potentials in the Jefimenko’s Generalized Theory of Gravitation, Augusto Espinoza, Andrew Chubykalo and David Perez Carlos, Journal of Modern Physics, 7, 1617-1626, 2016.
24. Helmholtz Theorems, Gauge Transformations, General Covariance and the Empirical Meaning of Gauge Conditions, Andrew Chubykalo, Augusto Espinoza and Rolando Alvarado Flores, Journal of Modern Physics, 7, 1021-1044, 2016.
25. On unexpected difficulties in the teaching of the special theory of relativity, Augusto Espinoza, Andrew Chubykalo and Sergey Artekha, International Journal of Advanced Research, Volume 4, Issue 7, 1572-1586, 2016.
26. The pedagogical value of the four-dimensional picture: III. Solutions to Maxwell’s equations, Andrew E Chubykalo, Augusto Espinoza and B P Kosyakov, European Journal of Physics, 37, 045202, 2016.
27. On the mathematical necessity of the coexistence of electromagnetic fields of the non-standard polarity with the standard electromagnetic fields in the case of the existence of Dirac monopoles, A. Chubykalo and A. Espinoza, Journal of Advances in Physics, EEUU, Vol 8, No 1, pp. 2007-2012, March 2015.
28. Relativistic analysis of application of Helmholtz theorem to classical electrodynamics, A Chubykalo, A Espinoza and R Alvarado Flores, Journal of Advances in Physics, Vol. 7, No 1, pp. 1297-1308, EEUU, December 2014.
29. On the presumable wave nature of the time flow of Kozyrev, A. Chubykalo and A. Espinoza, Journal of Physics &Astronomy, March 2014, Vol. 3, No 1, pp. 42-47, EEUU
30. The Mathematical Justification of a Possible Wave Nature of the Time Flow of Kozyrev, A. Chubykalo and A. Espinoza, International Journal of Physics and Astronomy, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 01-10, India, September 2014.
31. Campos Escalares en Cosmología, Solís Recendez Daniel Humberto, Espinoza Augusto, Ureña Luis, Editorial Académica Española, ISBN-13 9783659028212, ISBN 3659028215, 2014.
32. Gauge Symmetries and Gauge Transformations for Maxwell Equations, A. Chubykalo, A. Espinoza and R. Alvarado Flores, Aditi Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 4, 2013.
33. The rationale of the possible existence of solenoidal electric and magnetic fields spreading without the standard retardation condition, Andrew Chubykalo, Augusto Espinoza, Rumen Ivanov, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, Vol. 3, 2013.
34. The Simplest Way to Prove That Gauge Transformation between the Coulomb and Lorenz Gauges Must Not Exist, Andrew Chubykalo, Augusto Espinoza, Rolando Alvarado Flores, Scientific Journal of Mathematics Research, Vol. 3, 2013.
35. Reply to comment on ‘Electromagnetic potentials without gauge transformations’, Andrew E Chubykalo, Augusto Espinoza and Flores R Alvarado, Physica Scripta, Vol. 85, 2012.
36. Theoretical Rationale of the Existence of Electric and Magnetic Fields Spreading Instantaneously, A. Chubykalo, A. Espinoza, and R. Ivanov, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, Russia, 2012.
37. Electromagnetic potentials without gauge transformations, Andrew E Chubykalo and Augusto Espinoza, Physica Scripta, Vol. 84, 2011.
38. No-go theorem for the classical Maxwell-Lorentz electrodynamics in odd-dimensional worlds, A. E. Chubykalo, A. Espinoza and B. P. Kosyakov, Europhysics Letters, Volumen 96, 2011.
39. The inertial property of approximately inertial frames of reference, Andrew E Chubykalo, Augusto Espinoza and B P Kosyakov, European Journal of Physics, Volumen 32, 2011.
40. Helmholtz theorem and the v-gauge in the problem of superluminal and instantaneous signals in classical electrodynamics, Augusto Espinoza, Andrey Chubykalo, Alejandro Gutierrez and Rolando Alvarado Flores, Encontro de Física 2011, Brasil, 2011.
41. The electromagnetic potentials without the gauge transformations, Augusto Espinoza, Andrey Chubykalo, Alejandro Gutiérrez and María de los Angeles Hernández, Encontro de Física 2011, Brasil, Memorias, 2011.
42. Self-dual electromagnetic fields, Andrew E. Chubykalo, Augusto Espinoza, and B. P. Kosyakov, EE. UU., American Journal of Physics, Volumen 78, 2010.
43. Trilinear Self-Couplings of MSSM Higgs Bosons A. Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, M. A. Hernández-Ruiz, O. A. Sampayo, A. Chubykalo and A. Espinoza AIP Conference Proceedings, EE. UU., AIP Volumen 1026, 2008.
44. The Triple Higgs Boson Self-Coupling at Future Linear e+ e- Colliders Energies: ILC and CLIC Alejandro Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, Ángeles Hernández-Ruiz, Oscar Sampayo, Andrei Chubykalo, and Augusto Espinoza-Garrido Journal of the Physical Society of Japan77, 2008.
45. Reply to “Comment on “Helmholtz Theorem and the v-gauge in the Problem of superluminal and instantaneous signals in classical electrodynamics” by A. Chubykalo et al” by J.A. Heras (Foun. Phys. Lett. vol.19(6) p. 579 (2006)), A. Chubykalo, A. Espinoza, R. Alvarado Flores and A. Gutiérrez Rodríguez, EE. UU., Foundations of Physics, 2007.
46. La aventura de la física, Andrey Chubykalo, Augusto Espinoza, Alejandro Gutiérrez y Valeri Dvoeglazov, México, Ciencia Ergosum, 13-3, 2006.
47. On some unusual properties of wave solutions of free Maxwell equations Andrey Chubykalo and Augusto Espinoza, México, Ciencia Ergosum, 13-3, 2006.
48. Helmholtz theorem and the V-gauge in the problem of superluminal and instantaneous signals in the classical electrodynamics A. Chubykalo, A. Espinoza, R. Alvarado Flores and Gutierrez Rodriguez, EE. UU., Foundations of Physics Letters, 19, 2006.
49. Traducción del libro “Sobre la electrodinámica de los cuerpos en movimiento” Augusto Espinoza y Juan Martínez, México, Editorial Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, ISBN 968-523-24-8, 2005.
50. Brownstein’s whole-partial derivatives: the case of the Lorentz gauge A. Chubykalo, A. Espinoza and R. Flores-Alvarado, EE. UU., Hadronic Journal 27, 2004
51. Note de lecture: Instantaneous Action at a Distance in Modern Physics: Pro and Contra, A. E. Chubykalo, V. Pope, R. Smirnov-Rueda, eds (Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 1999), Augusto Espinoza, Francia, Annales de la Fondation Louis De Broglie, 29, 2004.
52. Experimental test of the compatibility of the definitions of the electromagnetic energy density and the Poynting vector A. Chubykalo, A. Espinoza and R. Tzonchev, Reino Unido, European Physical Journal D, 31, 2004.
53. Editor Libro “Has the last Word Been Said on Classical Electrodynamics? – New Horizons”, A.Chubykalo, R. Smirnov-Rueda, A. Espinoza and V. Onoochin, EE. UU., Rinton Press, Inc, ISBN1-58949-036-3, 2004.
54. Editor Libro “Relativity, Gravitation, Cosmology”, Valeri V. Dvoeglazov and Augusto Espinoza Garrido, EE. UU., Nova Science Publishers, Inc, ISBN1-59033-981-9, 2004.
55. On the Penetration of the Longitudinal Component of EM Field into Metals, Rumen I. Tzonchev, Juan M. Rivera-Juarez, Vladimir Onoochin and Augusto Espinoza, EE. UU., J. Electromagnetic phenomena, 3, 2003.
56. The Using of Analogy between Lorentz’s Calibration for Electromagnetic Fields and De Donder- Fock Condition for Determining Global Characteristics of Gravitational Fields, Augusto Espinoza, EE. UU., J. Electromagnetic Phenomena, 3, 2003.
57. Mathematical Foundations of the Kapitsa’s Hypothesis about Origin and Structure of Ball Lightening, Augusto Espinoza and Andrew Chubykalo, EE. UU., Foundations of Physics, 33, 2003.
58. Steady-state sphere-like and ring-like formations of the free electromagnetic field in vacuum, Augusto Espinoza and Andrey Chubykalo, Italia, Il Nuovo Cimento, 117B, 2003.
59. Unusual formations of the free electromagnetic field in vacuum, A. E. Chubykalo and A. A. Espinoza, Reino Unido, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and general, 35, 2002.
60. Formaciones Estacionarias Esféricas y Anulares de Campo Electromagnético Libre en el Vacío, Augusto Espinoza and Andrew Chubykalo, Memorias XLV Congreso Nacional de Física, México, León, Guanajuato, 2002.
61. Soluciones Ondulatorias Inusuales de las Ecuaciones de Maxwell en el Vacío, Augusto Espinoza and Andrew Chubykalo, Memorias XLV Congreso Nacional da Física, México, León, Guanajuato, 2002.
62. Asymptotic analysis of the transient conjugate heat transfer process between two forced counterflowing streams, C. Trevino, A. Espinoza and F. Mendez, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol 57, N° 3, 577-596, June 1997.
63. Creación y aniquilación de solitones en la ecuación no-lineal de la cuerda, M.A. Agüero-Granados, A.A. Espinoza Garrido, J. Martínez Ortiz, Revista Mexicana de Física 43, No. 3, 361-373, 1997.
64. Steady-state analysis of the conjugate heat transfer between forced counterflowing streams, C. Trevino, A. Espinoza, and F. Mendez, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 10(3), 476-483, July 1996.
65. Bubble and kink solitons in the F6-model of nonlinear field theory, M.A. Aguero Granados and A.A. Espinoza Garrido, Physics Letters A, 182, 294-299, September 1993.